Adb shell ls command

List files on android using adb shell ls

This command is used to list directory and directory contents

adb shell ls -a

Shows all files including the hidden ones

adb shell ls -a

adb shell ls -d

Will only show the directory names and not the contents

adb shell ls -d

adb shell ls -R /path/to/directory

Will recursively list the subdirectories of the specified directory

adb shell ls -R /mnt/sdcard/Download

adb shell ls -s

Prints the size of each file

adb shell ls -s

adb shell ls -lR | grep filename_you_want

Finds the location of the desired file

adb shell ls -lR | grep logo.png

adb shell ls /path/to/directory

adb shell ls /system/bin
Interactive and Handy to Use
Interactive and Handy to Use

The ADB Shell ls Command tool is designed with an easy interface where users can find the exact command they need without ever having to interact with a terminal. All you have to do is scroll through the command options, copy the command, and paste it into your terminal.

ADB Shell Command Variants
ADB Shell Command Variants

The tool provides several variations of the adb shell ls command. So, whether someone wants to only list directories, see subdirectories with recursion, or in any other way wants to print file sizes, this tool offers distinct use cases in very explicit command options; hence, it is an extremely versatile tool.

No Installation Required
No Installation Required

It has a web-based approach and hence no installation is required in any software. Instant access to various ADB shell commands ls-a that gives information about hidden files, is availed without much hard work on the hassle of software setup.

Command Demonstration
Command Demonstration

Each ADB Shell ls command demonstrated by this tool is accompanied by a proper explanation of what the command does. Thus, it saves the users from wasting much time in referring to the external documentation for details on the execution of various commands on Android.

Smooth Accessible
Smooth Accessible

The ADB Shell Command tool is accessible from any device that can open a browser. The tool works smoothly on desktop, laptop, or mobile device. This feature helps users to easily access the tool any minute for necessary ADB commands without any hassle.

Supports Learning and Practice
Supports Learning and Practice

This ADB Shell command tool is ideal for a beginner and an advanced user. New users can understand the function of ADB commands like ls -a or ls -d and practice them on their Android devices. It is a perfect tool to improve your ADB command-line skills without trial and error.

how to image

How to Use ADB Shell ls Command

1 . Access the tool interface.
2 . The tool will display the command adb shell ls.
3 . Ensure the device is connected via USB, with debugging enabled.
4 . Copy the command and paste it in the terminal.
5 . Run the Command.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the use of the adb shell ls command?

The adb shell ls command can list the items inside a directory in an Android device. It might hold files, folders, or more in the given directory path.

Why is adb shell ls -IR | grep not working on Windows?

If the command is not working on Windows, try replacing grep with find. Example: adb shell ls -IR | find fileName

How to list all the files?

To list all the files, use the command adb shell ls -R /

How do I get an adb shell to print all hidden files?

You can get all the hidden files listed with adb shell ls -a. The flag -a shows all files, including the hidden files (files whose names begin with the dot).

What does the function of adb shell ls-d do?

The flag -d is used in the adb shell ls-d to list the directory names alone and not that of the contents. It is found useful when you want to identify the directories and need not list its files.

How do I print out all files and directories in a particular directory recursively?

To list the contents of a directory recursively, you can use adb shell ls -R /path/to/directory. It will list all files and subdirectories.

What is the command adb shell ls -s?

ADB shell ls -s with the -s flag will print the size of all files to the mentioned directory. It's very handy if you want to see where those humongous files are stored.

Can I use adb shell ls to search for an individual file?

Yes, you can. Use adb shell ls -lR | grep filename to find a particular file in a directory. For example, adb shell ls -lR | grep logo.png will find the file named as "logo.png."

What is the difference between adb shell ls and adb shell ls -R?

The basic adb shell ls lists contents of the current directory, and listing with adb shell ls -R lists contents of the current directory and all subdirectories recursively.

Can I list system directories with adb shell ls?

Indeed, you can use adb shell ls to list system directories. For example, adb shell ls /system/bin will list the contents of the directory /system/bin.

What does the command adb shell rm do?

The adb shell rm command deletes files or directories by name.

Can I use the adb shell to list the size of files?

To list size per file, note that adb shell provides an option with ls -s. Note that this only gives you information on how large they each are in blocks.

Can I use the adb shell to list directories without files?

Yes, using the command adb shell ls -d will only show you the directory names but not the contents of those directories.

What does adb shell ls -v mean?

The option -v means "verbose." It contains more messages that can provide more information about the execution process.

How do I check to see if a directory exists using adb shell?

You can use adb shell ls /path/to/directory to see if a directory is there. If it is, then you will see its contents; if not, then there will be an error.

What does adb shell ls -l do?

The option -l gives an extended listing of the directory contents where it shows file permissions, owner, size, and date of last modification.

How to list the root directory with ADB?

The command to list the root directory is adb shell ls /. It will show you the top-level directories of your Android file system.

What does grep do in adb shell ls commands?

The grep command is a way to search within the output of the ls command. For instance, the following will find a certain file adb shell ls -lR | grep filename

How do I list what's in a directory without changing it?

You can list the contents of any directory without entering into it by giving the path within the command: adb shell ls /path/to/directory.

What's the difference between adb shell ls and ls on Linux?

They're very similar, but adb shell ls is used for listing directories and files on an Android device through ADB.

Can I see file permissions using adb shell ls?

Yes, you can view file permission in detail with adb shell ls -l, because this will display read, write, and execute permissions.

How do I list directories in a directory?

You can list the directories within a specific directory using adb shell ls /path/to/directory. If you want only the list of the directories and not their contents you use adb shell ls -d.

What does adb shell ls -a print?

The option -a flag prints out all files. By default, not all files are found usually, this is because hidden files those that start with a dot aren't visible.

Can I recursively list the contents of my SD card?

Yes. Use adb shell ls -R /mnt/sdcard/ to list all contents of your SD card, including files and subdirectories recursively.

How do I limit the adb shell ls output?

You can limit the output by applying grep on just the file names you are looking for. For example: adb shell ls -R | grep .txt will only print .txt files.

Does adb shell ls show file timestamps?

Yes, adb shell ls -l should display for each file, the modification timestamp. That's very useful for knowing when files were last modified.

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About The Author

Rk Shree

RK Shree - A science enthusiast with a poetic flair, and possesses an insatiable desire to explore diverse fields seeking new knowledge and experiences. My work ethic is highly disciplined and dedicated. I take pleasure in pursuing creative endeavors that captivate me.