Android service libraries



An Android library providing APIs to interact with iBeacons

Updated 20 Nov 2020

[DEPRECATED] A lightweight eventbus library for android, simplifies communication between Activities, Fragments, Threads, Services, etc.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 23 Nov 2020

Cognitive Services Face client library for Android.

Updated 19 Nov 2020

Small library that wraps Google Play Service API in brilliant RxJava Observables reducing boilerplate to minimum.

Updated 22 Nov 2020

A Java/Android library for communicating with the Signal messaging service.

GNU General Public License v3.0
Updated 13 Nov 2020

A library and sample app to abstract access to the Amazon Alexa service for Android applications.

GNU General Public License v2.0
Updated 20 Oct 2020

Android service library which uses AAC Player. Ready to use Radio Player Service.

Updated 23 Nov 2020

An Android client library for RESTful based web services.

Updated 27 Sep 2020

Android library to display progress like google does in some of his services.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 12 Nov 2020

InformaCam Android Core Service Library

GNU General Public License v3.0
Updated 20 Oct 2020

Video calling library for Android - sample application

Updated 07 Aug 2020

A nice library for working with WiFi P2P service discovery on Android.

MIT License
Updated 06 Oct 2020

:octocat: 📞 IMEI (USSD) Library on Android Devices by @romellfudi

Apache License 2.0
Updated 31 Oct 2020

[Android Library] Network Service Discovery helper for Android

Apache License 2.0
Updated 12 Nov 2020

Unified API Library for: Cloud Storage, Social Log-In, Social Interaction, Payment, Email, SMS, POIs, Video & Messaging. Included services are Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, Box, Egnyte, PayPal, Stripe, Google Places, Foursquare, Yelp, YouTube, Vimeo, Twitch, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Line, Viber, Facebook, GitHub, Google+, LinkedIn, Slack, Twitter, Windows Live, Yahoo, Mailjet, Sendgrid, Twilio, Nexmo, Twizo.

Updated 22 Sep 2020

ANT and ANT+ Android SDKs. Provides required libraries, services, sample code, and instructions for developing ANT and ANT+ enabled Android applications.

Updated 21 Oct 2020

An Android client library for integrating multi-party communications powered by the Amazon Chime service.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 21 Nov 2020

ServiceStack Java Libraries and Apps

Updated 14 Oct 2020

DrupalCloud is a library for native Android applications to communicate with Drupal web services.

GNU General Public License v3.0
Updated 16 Feb 2020

An Android library for invoking system services in service manager

Apache License 2.0
Updated 14 Sep 2020

Cognitive Services Text Analytics client library for Android.

Updated 09 Jun 2020

Android app using the Face service Java client library to detect and frame faces in an image.

MIT License
Updated 30 Jul 2020

A quick reference guide for Android development.

Updated 21 Nov 2020

Java, Android, Clojure and Scala client library SDK for Ably realtime messaging service

Updated 23 Nov 2020

[DEPRECATED: Use Google Play Services] Port of the MapsForge library to provide a self-contained MapFragment for both the native type and compatibility library.

GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
Updated 01 Jun 2020

A simple Android library to show Privacy Policy, Terms of Service and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Updated 07 Aug 2020

🔥🔥Qigsaw ['tʃɪɡsɔ] is a dynamic modularization library which is based on Android App Bundles(Do not need Google Play Service). It supports dynamic delivery for split APKs without reinstalling the base one.

Updated 20 Nov 2020

A Barcode scanner library for Android. Uses the Google Play Services' mobile vision api for barcode detection.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 07 Oct 2020

React Native background service library for running background tasks forever in Android & iOS.

MIT License
Updated 23 Nov 2020

A generic library for generating and sending telemetry pings from Android applications to Mozilla's telemetry service.

Updated 01 Sep 2020

An android library that makes it really easy to deal with dynamic permissions. Based on the context, library automatically decides whether to show a dialog (in case app is in foreground) or a notification (in case permission is required by a background service).

MIT License
Updated 18 Nov 2020

[Android library] IntentService implementation that handles uploads to S3

Updated 02 May 2019

Android library that simplifies working with the new fused location provider

Apache License 2.0
Updated 08 Jan 2020

Android library which makes it easy to handle the different obstacles while calling an API (Web Service) in Android App.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 11 Jan 2020

Android library to handle flaky App killer manager (Xiaomi, Huawei, letv, ...) and prevent from : not showing notification, services not start at boot, etc

Updated 05 Nov 2020

Android client library to the world weather online service

Updated 30 Nov 2015

This is the official Chute Photo Picker Plus Repository. PP+ is a library which will help you fetch images from services like facebook, instagram picasa as well as ones from the device itself.

MIT License
Updated 26 Mar 2020

Cute library to implement PlaceAutocomplete based in autocomplete service in the Google Places API for Android.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 27 Sep 2020

An Android library allowing you to connect to Drupal sites running Services 3.

MIT License
Updated 10 Feb 2020

Very simple Android project that uses Tigase XMPP client libraries to connect to Google Talk / Hangout services as a client.

Updated 17 Oct 2017

Lipa na Mpesa Express is an easy way to intergrate mpesa. The service allows sim pop up on the number that is supposed to pay. The owner simply enter the pin and they are done. No more opening sim and entering paybill number etc. Use this link to follow along

Updated 29 Oct 2020

Android Client Library for HomeGenie Service

GNU General Public License v3.0
Updated 21 Aug 2017

Android lock screen,slide to unlock ! 安卓锁屏,上滑解锁,效果酷炫,值得拥有!

Updated 20 Oct 2020

Android (Kotlin) library for the Amadeus Self-Service travel APIs

MIT License
Updated 12 Nov 2020

Android Library for SparkPost (Email Delivery Service & Transactional Email)

MIT License
Updated 11 Nov 2019

Demonstrates how you can use a third party library to build an Android application that authenticates Microsoft identity users to our B2C identity service and calls a web API using OAuth 2.0 access tokens.

Updated 19 Nov 2020

Monitor events in the background on Android.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 16 May 2020

Easy Apple Sync Adapter, an Android Library for syncing with apple calendar service.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 22 Nov 2019

GetJson is the simplest HTTP library to Receive JSON Data from REST Service.

MIT License
Updated 27 Jul 2020

This library provides the developer with a huge power to access the HALO cloud platform to consume generic information, push notifications and many other services

Apache License 2.0
Updated 08 May 2020

A library containing a custom Service allowing to collect data from the Sensor.TYPE_STEP_COUNTER introduced with Android 4.4 (available only for devices that supports this hardware feature)

MIT License
Updated 23 Jul 2020

A small library/framework for android that eases the creation of multi service to multi consumer systems. The consumers are capable of being configured to stay in memory until application termination thus easily maintaining Service specific state and connections to outside resources.

Updated 25 Jan 2014

Android library to manage both Google Analytics and Piwik services to match FOSS software need

Apache License 2.0
Updated 22 Jul 2020

A small library that wraps the Google Play Services SafetyNet API.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 03 Apr 2020

This library adds a service and a fragment for getting the logcat of the Android application the library is used with.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 02 Jul 2020

A client library for Amazon Voice Service Alexa on Android

MIT License
Updated 21 Nov 2018

Essential classes for reliable background services.

Updated 18 Aug 2020

Android Wear library to enable more than one WearableListenerService.

MIT License
Updated 31 Jan 2017

Synthesize is an android library which can create layout images in background threads, services, etc without inflating them in activity or fragments.

Updated 13 Jun 2017

Implementation of the GiveX service using the Volley library

Updated 09 Oct 2020

Library to build Android apps working with Yandex's services with OAuth2 authorization

Apache License 2.0
Updated 17 Aug 2016

Android Library for remote debugging service. Debug the app remotely.

Updated 05 Apr 2020

A library built for the React Native framework. It is a wrapper around the Google Play Games Services API for Android.

Updated 17 Oct 2020

A simple library for parsing and playing links from YouTube, YouTube Music, Vimeo and Rutube is WebView without the need to connect api data services. Request caching is available now

Apache License 2.0
Updated 12 Nov 2020

An extension library that you can use Google Play Services Tasks API smarter.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 07 May 2018

Java library for mocking responses in a Retrofit service.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 02 Nov 2020

Low-dependency navigation library, plug-in capable with map and routing service of choice

Updated 26 Feb 2019

Simple QR CODE or BARCODE Scanner Android Example using google play service library

Updated 16 Aug 2019

An Android library that contains a File Extension Service. This service finds all files under a given directory that matches a certain file extension.

Updated 23 Dec 2018

An Android library implementing Service Locator pattern

Apache License 2.0
Updated 17 Jul 2018

Library for Android that encapsulates location retrieval using RxJava, returning observables

MIT License
Updated 17 Nov 2016

Android library for handling communication with RESTful services

Apache License 2.0
Updated 10 Jun 2015

Android library for starting background-service and receiving a broadcast after the time is out. The library will automatically start the service in background and foreground depending on the time that you provide.

Updated 24 Jun 2020

a android library for use service binding with rxjava

Updated 23 May 2018

Small utility library for Android to evaluate requirements in order for some action to proceed. For example: network connection, permissions (API 23), system services (location, bluetooth, ...), etc.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 16 Mar 2020

Android Library to send Email without user-intervention , can be used to send via background service or thread, it also supports attachments

GNU General Public License v2.0
Updated 25 Jul 2018

Phial is an Android library that captures your bug data directly to Jira or other services.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 02 Jun 2020

The exercise consists of implementing a library for connection-oriented network service and a small application which uses this library.

Updated 07 Nov 2014

A Rxjava location library which wrrap Android LocationManager & Google Play Service APIs

Updated 23 Sep 2020

Android client for LibraryNotifier service

Updated 29 May 2014

Library to use ZarinPal payment service in android apps

Updated 04 Jun 2019

A highly modular network service discovery and broadcast library that utilizes Kotlin's coroutines

MIT License
Updated 13 May 2019

Android Service living / resident. This is a lightweight library, which can be implemented on Android by configuring several lines of code.

Updated 24 Jul 2020

RoomService Android Library

MIT License
Updated 01 Jul 2013

Android Overlay as Service

Updated 18 Oct 2019

A kotlin based Android library which downloads files in background using android service and notifications. Provide url of the file to download, folder path where you want to download and filename.

Updated 11 Sep 2020

Android Dynamic Game Services library - Leadboards and Achievements for both Google Play and Amazon GameCircle

Updated 29 May 2020

Notification service 제공 및 분석용 라이브러리

Updated 20 Jan 2020

This is a collection of Java classes that allow easy access to OK Tech Moodle Web Service in SOAP protocol from Java clients using KSoap2 library such as Android but also regular java programs . It also contains a KSoap2 generating stub tool (wsdl2ksoap) based on Apache Axis 1.4 tool wsdl2java.

Updated 12 May 2017

Android app for Reegle recommended documents service.

Updated 16 Feb 2014

Coucou is a network service discovery and broadcast library for Flutter that supports both Android and iOS.

MIT License
Updated 07 Apr 2020

Rest Service implementing retrofit library

Updated 14 Apr 2020

Android library made of convenience methods for delegating asynchronous methods to a Service.

Updated 26 Sep 2016

Library of Android Services

Updated 25 Feb 2017

An android/java library to use the NLM's RxNav/RxNorm Services

MIT License
Updated 07 Mar 2018

This an Android Library for Evertec. The purpose of this library is Create a API that Make some request an get response for a REST full web service

Updated 08 Dec 2018

Android library for accessing the baasday Backend as a Service platform for mobile applications

Updated 03 Nov 2013


Network Service Discovery for Android

Updated 31 Mar 2020

android java webservice library

Apache License 2.0
Updated 14 Sep 2020

Android app where the data is obtained by using Retrofit network library. The data is saved inside an IntentService and then with the help of ResultReceiver, the fragment is informed to update the UI

Updated 05 Jun 2019

Android library for accessing the baasday Backend as a Service platform for mobile applications

Updated 03 Nov 2013


Network Service Discovery for Android

Updated 31 Mar 2020

Repository Contains an Android library to call web services.

Updated 01 Jun 2016

Android image loading library

Apache License 2.0
Updated 25 Apr 2018

Android library which wraps LibVLC in a background audio playback service

GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
Updated 26 Jun 2018

Commons Library for Play Services

Updated 24 Dec 2013

Cloud Services library for Android

Updated 07 Dec 2016

Android application to browse Harvard University's library cloud REST service

Updated 01 Dec 2014

Demo for retrieving window content on selected apps from same device . A Library that can collect info of window content of apps placed inside as app.

Updated 05 Apr 2020

A library for android service.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 22 Jun 2020

Extension of the droid4me framework which contains web service caller implementation

MIT License
Updated 17 Jun 2020

RxLogin is an Android library that simplifies the process of login different types of services into a single observable.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 10 Jul 2018

A bittorent Android Service library for Frostwire's jlibtorrent project.

Updated 11 Feb 2019

Library for Android apps containing a simple re-useable single fragment activity.

MIT License
Updated 15 Sep 2014

Android library to monitor iBeacons using Android Service

Updated 09 Jun 2018

Web Controller using OkHttp to request REST API server and store data locally using Realm.

Updated 28 Jun 2020

CWT is an alternative for CustomTabs in Android works without the need for a service provider.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 17 Nov 2020

This is an Android library that provides information about countries.

MIT License
Updated 05 Nov 2020

This project demonstrate how to fetch data from the internet or Web Services/API

Updated 07 Jun 2020

Window service library on Android.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 16 Jun 2016

Android library for service

Apache License 2.0
Updated 12 Apr 2016

A Zeroconf library that allows you to discover network services and to broadcast your own. Based on Apple Bonjour and Android NSD.

MIT License
Updated 21 Nov 2020

library make http get/post request calls, handles only JSON response and maps to bean

Updated 31 Jul 2015

Android API service using Android FastNetworking Library and SQLite Database

Updated 17 Nov 2019

Privacy Aware Location Service Library for Android - MLS, OpenCellID, OpenBMap, OpenWLANMap and (Google)

Updated 21 Apr 2020

CRUD services in Android using volley library

Updated 16 Feb 2018

AIDL services to interact with Trust libraries

Updated 11 Feb 2020

Location services using FusedLocation Api and handle location updates as a LiveData using Android architecture components and Jetpack libraries.

MIT License
Updated 20 Aug 2020

Library for Android to get the menus of University of São Paulo restaurant's

Updated 07 Apr 2014

The asynchronous Android library that eats configuration changes for breakfast

Updated 07 May 2016

Demonstrates how you can use a third party library like oidcandroidlib to build an Android application that authenticates Microsoft identity users to our new v2 (converged) identity service and calls a web API using OAuth 2.0 access tokens.

MIT License
Updated 13 Apr 2018

Demonstrates how you can use a third party library like oidcandroidlib to build an Android application that authenticates Microsoft identity users to our new v2 (converged) identity service and calls a web API using OAuth 2.0 access tokens.

Updated 15 Jul 2016

Navigation service for Android.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 15 May 2020

minimalist android application which uses Android Bluetooth LE API library to scan ibeacon in the background

Updated 02 Nov 2018

Consuming http methods (GET, POST) using volley libraries in android oreo. Connecting Android with Real World Data !!

Updated 04 Jul 2018

Android's Palette library as a web service

MIT License
Updated 25 Dec 2014

This sample demonstrate the use of AsyncService Library with the Spring for Android

Updated 18 Apr 2015

Just me playing around with the Android Play Services Library.

Updated 14 Apr 2014

Android library which makes use of remote Service and WakeLock

MIT License
Updated 10 Jul 2017

An Android library providing simple Service messaging using Rx Observables

Updated 03 Jun 2017

An android music player service library

Updated 24 Jan 2019

Android client library for the door service.

Updated 02 May 2014

java/android client library for bluzelle service

MIT License
Updated 05 Sep 2020

Android network monitoring service library :zap:

Updated 22 May 2018

An Android Library to retrieve standalone service status

Apache License 2.0
Updated 25 Jul 2018

Client library to use services on Android.

Updated 18 Feb 2017

Android library for apps to integrate with DCrow services.

Updated 29 Oct 2019

Android SqLitefor storing data from restful services using volley library

Updated 03 Dec 2015

Android Library that works with the MIAA Policy Checker service

Apache License 2.0
Updated 24 Jan 2017

Library to implement appback services in android applications

Updated 13 Feb 2020

College App Series _ android web service (library: android fast networking)

Updated 01 Dec 2019

Firebase Database library to use the firebase database services .

Updated 13 Jun 2019

python-for-android: demonstrates how to use a python service for android in a library(aar) being used by a kotlin app

Updated 02 Sep 2020

A Sample Dagger2 Android Library which is exposing Services from a Library that other Applications can depend on

Updated 03 Sep 2019

This is a collection of Java classes that allow easy access to OK Tech Moodle Web Service using REST protocol and JSON output format from Java clients using GSON library such as Android but also regular java programs

Updated 27 May 2020

📲 Android frontend library for Amplify Video, a category plug-in for AWS Amplify that makes it easy to deploy live and file-based streaming video services.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 20 Nov 2020

Android login example. This example demonstrates consuming NodeJS REST service using Retrofit 2 library.

Updated 30 Apr 2017

Android Weather Demo Just playing with some cool libraries and weather Rest services

Updated 02 Sep 2014

B4A Library wrap for Android NSD (Network Service Discovery)

Apache License 2.0
Updated 30 Dec 2019

User Profiling that includes basic login and sign up with web services using volley library in android studio

Updated 18 Apr 2019

Android Studio Project using Google Play Services / Google Maps / Compatability Library

Updated 22 Aug 2015

Freetime is an android-oriented library that provides tools to rest http, gui, services, multithread .. etc

Apache License 2.0
Updated 09 May 2019

Lightweight library for communicating with the Sugestio recommendation service. Android 2.x compatible.

MIT License
Updated 15 Jan 2014

Generic android library to ping custom telemetry events to service endpoints

Mozilla Public License 2.0
Updated 29 Oct 2019

Android code sample to data send from android phone(client) to web service without use any other library.

Updated 16 Sep 2018

Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Face API: Android app using the Face service Java client library to detect and frame faces in an image.

Updated 03 Oct 2019

An Android Library that can be used to create services that are inherently wakeful

Apache License 2.0
Updated 13 Sep 2014

Compilation of Android libraries for various services including Google, Twitter, etc.

Updated 05 Aug 2020

LightBlue(TM) Bean BLE Scratch Service Library for Android application running on API19++

Updated 17 Aug 2016

sA small Android library to create long-running broadcast receiver or service

Apache License 2.0
Updated 28 Oct 2020

The Knopflerfish basic Android app and service library converted to an Android Studio project

Updated 27 Nov 2014

Android library to communicate with user-data-service API

Updated 25 Mar 2016

Contoh aplikasi android web service jadwal kuliah dengan library volley

Updated 27 Aug 2017

Small Android app for testing paging library with Tmdb service

Updated 09 Nov 2019

an android library to perform gestures using accessibility service

Updated 16 Sep 2019

Basic Android Platform which includes Admob and Google Analytics through google play service library

Updated 09 May 2014

Android Kotlin Calling Web Service using Retrofit Library Asynchronously

Updated 11 Oct 2020

Old sample found on Unity Forums.

Updated 17 Jul 2016

Android Library for remote debugging service (remote logcat)

Updated 27 Feb 2020

Android library for sending Harbor Beacons to the Harbor Service in Android-java apps

Apache License 2.0
Updated 14 Dec 2018

A library that facilitates the use of WeDeploy services from your Android app

Updated 22 Oct 2019

An Android library simplifying file hosting services operations.

MIT License
Updated 28 Jul 2019

Kotlin Android client library for Google Play Services OAuth

Updated 27 Apr 2018

This is the android library which connects to the multibanking service of adorsys

Updated 13 Apr 2020

I show a list , after consume a rest service with Fast Android Network library

Updated 25 Jul 2017

Applications that perform basic web service operations using the Retrofit library

MIT License
Updated 28 Sep 2020

Shows the usage of the ion library to consume web services on Android applications

Updated 17 Nov 2015

An Android library that gives you an Intent Service that keeps your processor awake while doing work.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 06 Oct 2020

android app using Backend as a service. The app uses geofencing for university library dating

Updated 05 Feb 2018

A student attendance Android app with Azure mobile services integration, using zxing barcode scanner library

Updated 02 Feb 2015

Every UI element on your Android application emits events. The code that you’ve been writing is a reaction to some event, such as user tapping a button or a REST response from your backend service. We usually handle it by multiple instances of event listeners such as OnClickListener. All is well until you try track and handle multiple states. The common example is validation of registration form. To tackle this, smart people from Netflix have made a nifty little library called RxJava and its binding for Android named RxAndroid.

Updated 06 Jun 2018

Android sdk library that allows you to quickly and easily validate otps sent through OtpSecure Service using Java

MIT License
Updated 04 Apr 2019

LogKitten is an Android Library with a logcat monitoring service that shows notifications with logcat information for app crashes or errors of the app. Available at 🐱

Apache License 2.0
Updated 09 Nov 2018

Library developed to assist in the development of Android applications with 'Google Play Service Location', with several classes and helper methods. This project uses the AndroidSupportLib library.

Updated 11 Oct 2018

[Android Library] An Network Service Discovery Helper library written in Kotlin

Apache License 2.0
Updated 23 Oct 2020

A set of libraries for Android client apps that expose data sources from a oneTRANSPORT Common Services Entity.

Updated 24 Oct 2016

The Android Client to Consume WebApi Restful Web Services From ' MSS_AspDotNetToAndroid_WebApi_WS ' via Retrofil 2 Library

Updated 17 Jul 2018

Sample app to demonstrate Geo-Fencing in Android, developed using IntelliJ IDE. Need to add GooglePlay Service, android support library and Google Maps API Key

Updated 04 May 2017

Library that helps a few lines of code to show AlertDialog with button's onClick callbacks, or to show custom AlertDialog from service, for example.

MIT License
Updated 06 Jan 2018

A mobile application aims to providing a NEU library service including Seat reserve, Book finder, and more Accessibility functions like PaperDeliver etc.

Updated 23 May 2018

how to accomplish sharing and connecting data between users, integrating third party services, and persisting data on a remote server using Retrofit, one of the most popular HTTP communication libraries on Android.

Updated 03 Oct 2019

Tool used to help QA teams for easier Android bug reporting. This library enables you to take screenshots of your applications and directly submit them to a project managament service via email.

Updated 20 Nov 2019

Using the full gamut of the Android framework,trending libraries, Material design and a variety of Google Play services and Firebase services. Demonstrate whole development process(design document -> mock-up -> develop client and backend -> unit tests and instrumented tests -> release)

Apache License 2.0
Updated 28 Oct 2020

A retrofit call adapter for adapting play service tasks.

MIT License
Updated 23 Sep 2020

Android demo app. Clean Architecture, MVVM, Single Activity, Navigation Component, Room, Retrofit, WebView, Paging Library, LiveData, Coroutines, Hilt, Foreground Service, Bound Service, Notifications, Glide, Timber, Amplitude Analytics, Firebase Crashlytics, Multiple Themes Support

Updated 20 Nov 2020

• Designed and developed a music player android app which could download music list, mp3 and lyrics from server, play, pause and stop music, show image and lyrics according to the progress of music. • Using Android libraries such as Constraint-Layout, Retrofit2, Gson, RecyclerView, Glide, MediaPlayer, and some basic stuff in Android, including Intent, Service, Background Thread, AsyncTask, Handler, etc.

Updated 29 Nov 2019

Android Face Detection using google play service vision, tutorial based on Udacity Advance Android Development App, Lesson 3: Libraries

Updated 21 Jun 2018

This project uses Retrofit libraries on Android to make web service calls and download promotions.

Updated 07 Feb 2019

An Android library that makes it easy to lookup services over WiFi

Apache License 2.0
Updated 17 Nov 2016

Android library to display progress like google does in some of his services.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 13 Aug 2016

An android library which does encryption and decryption of content in a background service

Updated 24 Feb 2015

This is an android library for the beamzer service dispatching server-sent events

MIT License
Updated 19 Oct 2019

Ready code for android library (Simplified version) - HTTP, GPS, Google Service Location, Device Info

Updated 20 Jul 2020

A simple Android App that can be a useful example of some libraries and services

MIT License
Updated 11 Mar 2018

Android library combining the external services used for a variety of POS functions

Updated 10 Nov 2020

this repository shows how you can consume services on android with volley as http library

MIT License
Updated 09 Nov 2016

A twitterbot made using twitter4j library which can run on android phones as a background service.

Updated 22 May 2020

Library for Client-Server communication (through sockets) on Android with zeroconf using Network Service Discovery (NSD)

Updated 19 Jan 2018

Provides latest news and weather forecast from the web-services ( and by location. Network connection guaranteed by using of Volley library. Also, the app notifies the user about information updatings (Service & AlarmManager).

Updated 03 May 2019

An android app that leverages the Mobilyzer library to compare performance of various wireless service providers

Updated 18 Aug 2015

An Android library to manage a local network ad hoc (Network Service Discovery) communications.

Updated 25 Jun 2018

League of Legends static data retrieved from Data Dragon services in form of Android library.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 06 Apr 2018

Ultimate Android Location Tracking Library powered by Google Play Services Fused Location Provider

Updated 05 Aug 2020

A library for Android to parse National Weather Service (NWS) weather data.

Updated 30 Jan 2014

add libraries implementation ''

Updated 15 Jan 2020

Simple library for Android to use Portland's Trimet's web services.

GNU General Public License v2.0
Updated 15 Mar 2017

Android library for GPS tracking based on Otto event bus and Google Play Services

Updated 07 Nov 2016

The application mainly consists of a map view, once opened it gets user GPS or Network location and requests for nearby venues from Foursquare APIs. Application should cache the retrieved venues so that on next application start up, cached venues are displayed until fresh new venues are retrieved from server. It then places pins of each venue on the map, pin images should be venues images retrieved from Foursquare. Clicking on any pin should open an info window with the name of the venue, when clicking on the info window allow user to check-in in this venue. For user to check-in, this user should be logged in using OAuth implementation of Foursquare login. • I am using Job queue manager library to easily schedule jobs (tasks) that run in the background, improving UX and application stability. You can find it here ( • I am using EventBus that simplifies communication between Activities, Fragments, Threads, Services, etc you can find it here ( • I am using Retrofit that turns your REST API into a Java interface. It depend on Okhttp and Gson library You can find it here ( or ( ) • I am using foursquare-android-oauth You can find it here ( • I am using google play services

Updated 07 Jul 2020

To demonstrate a Binder-based service and client (based on ownDesignedService, for example Fibonacci ), we’ll create three separate projects: 1. XXCommon library project - to define our AIDL interface as well as custom types for input values (Parcelable) and return values (Parcelable) 2. XXService project - where we implement our AIDL interface and expose it to the clients as Bound Service, meanwhile service should be implemented both in JAVA (Recursive) and Native (lib) (Iterative) 3. XXClient project - where we bind to our AIDL-defined service and use the method defined in it Note: XX stands for service name

Updated 16 Dec 2014

Simple library with prefab disclaimer views to show ToS, EULA, service notices (e.g. analytics) or other notices to users.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 12 May 2019

A simple MVP structure that implement retrofit library and call to github web service, this repository written in kotlin language

Updated 06 Dec 2017

This is simple android application which I developed in process of learning android location services and google map APIs. This application fetches your current location and show it in map. User can mark their location and can add geofences alert to it. This application also uses Android design support and app compat library.

Updated 28 Jun 2016

Detection of beacons with Apple's iBeacon format based on the AltBeacon library. The scanning has been put in a separate service that runs in foreground and enables detection of beacons even when the application is in background.

Updated 08 Sep 2016

A cloudlet-ready app uses the Cloudlet Android Library (client-lib-android) to explicitly look for a service on a nearby Cloudlet, and get an IP and port to connect to (part of KD-Cloudlet project)

Updated 03 Apr 2018

Dagger Injection using dagger-android libraries. An application level component is used to provide some base services like the ApiService. This service is passed on to the MainActivity's Module where it is passed to the MainViewModel using ViewModelFactory to load data.

MIT License
Updated 17 Apr 2019

Android | iOS | React Native - Working with Networking, Firebase Analytics, Service, Views, Material UI, SQLite, Augmented Reality Demo Codebases, Android ML Kit, Popular Library Implementations & More

Updated 20 Mar 2019

Vaptvupt is an Android library for asynchronous web requests, with a great emphasis on JSON web services.

Updated 06 Dec 2013

Library for dependency inversion in Java/Android using service locator pattern very easy to use and lightweight

Apache License 2.0
Updated 25 Jan 2019

Akismet for Kotlin/Java/Android, a client library for accessing the Automattic Kismet (Akismet) spam comments filtering service.

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
Updated 18 Aug 2020

Tutorial pembuatan aplikasi deteksi wajah dan senyum menggunakan Mobile Vision API dari Play Service Library pada Android.

Updated 27 Mar 2016

A Java and Android library to access NOAA's National Digital Forecast Database (NDFD) REST web services.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 21 Jun 2020

A Barcode scanning library for Android. Uses the Google Play Services' mobile vision api for barcode detection.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 26 Oct 2017

The Sample Android application for a simple wallet implementation that relays on Bitcore Wallet Service and uses Kuvabase-BWCJ library.

Updated 07 Mar 2019

Android Application with search fiture using API service of TolongRek. build with androidx and integrated with library Butterknife and Retrofit2

Updated 30 Jul 2019

This app demonstrate how to work with web services using Retrofit and Moshi libraries on Android using Kotlin.

Updated 01 Aug 2019

Kotlin Android library (Java friendly) for message management with Rotor and Redis servers

Apache License 2.0
Updated 11 Aug 2018

Demonstrates how you can use a third party library to build an Android application that authenticates users to our B2C identity service and calls a Node.js web API that validates Access Tokens

Updated 23 Feb 2017

(1) Name :- ActionBarSearchView Description :- Action bar search view. (2) Name :- Adsfree Description :- Admob integration. (3) Name :- AndroidDayDreamDemo Description :- Day dream demo. (4) Name :- android query demo live Description :- Google play live app details parsing. (5) Name :- Arc GIS map Description :- Arc gis map integration without hash key. (6) Name :- aviarySdk Description :- Aviary integration for image operations. (7) Name :- BetterGestureDetector Description :- Gesture accrate detection. (8) Name :- BlinkText Description :- Blinking text. (9) Name :- BuzzBoxSDKHelloWorld Description :- Buzz box integration cron scheduler. (10) Name :- CircularProgressBar Description :- Circular progress bar. (11) Name :- ContactNumbersDemo Description :- Get contact details from device. (12) Name :- ControlViewheight Description :- Manage height of specific view. (13) Name :- ControlViewHeightSeekbar Description :- Two listview manage appropriate hieght. (14) Name :- DownloadManagerAndroid Description :- Download specific file online. (15) Name :- Facebook Integration Description :- Facebook integration. (16) Name :- Graphview Description :- Graphview demo. (17) Name :- HB 1337 Description :- Virus and antivirus. (18) Name :- HomeButtonEvent Description :- Block home button press. (19) Name :- HomeLauncher Description :- Home launcher demo. (20) Name :- InAppPurchaseTut Description :- InAppPurchase demo. (21) Name :- KeyboardCustom Description :- Creating Custom keyboard demo. (22) Name :- MapDemoGeofencing Description :- Location map for geo fencing. (23) Name :- MapDemoV2Final Description :- Map demo for google version 2. (24) Name :- OpenGLESSquare Description :- Opengl moving square. (25) Name :- pagination numbering 2 Description :- Pagination type 2. (26) Name :- Pagination numbering Description :- Pagination type 1. (27) Name :- PhoneGapCordova Description :- Phone gap simple cordova demo. (28) Name :- PhoneGapCordovaCamera Description :- Phone gap for camera. (29) Name :- PhoneGapCordovaParsing Description :- Phone gap for parsing. (30) Name :- PhoneGapCordovaSMS Description :- Phone gap for sending sms. (31) Name :- RotatingWheel Description :- Rotating wheel by user interaction. (32) Name :- RotatingWheelSocialsites Description :- Rotating wheel by user interaction for socialsites. (33) Name :- RunningBackgroundServices Description :- Get Running services in background for package name/class name. (34) Name :- SearchList Description :- Searching from a specific list. (35) Name :- SearchViewContacts Description :- Search from contacts details. (36) Name :- SlidingDrawer Description :- Sliding drawer from bottom over another activity. (37) Name :- SpeechToTextDemo Description :- Convert speech to text. (38) Name :- TextToSpeak Description :- Convert text to speech. (39) Name :- TouchCordinates Description :- Get coordinate of user touch intergration. (40) Name :- TreeViewListDemo Description :- Tree view integration demo. (41) Name :- UninstallDeleteapp Description :- Uninstall another app from my app after removing admin permission. (42) Name :- ViewPagerCustomWidthFragment Description :- Fragment in viewpager. (43) Name :- WearableNotification Description :- Wearable notification. (44) Name :- WearablePages Description :- Wearable pages. (45) Name :- WidgetDemo Description :- Widget demo. (46) Name :- CameraIntentAll Description :- Camera demo for picture as well as video demo. (47) Name :- CameraOverlay Description :- Camera overlay image as aim shooting game. (48) Name :- DrmIntegration Description :- Drm Integration library for authorize users apk file. (49) Name :- SwipeRefreshLayout Description :- SwipeRefreshLayout Pulltorefresh like google. (50) Name :- TwitterIntegration Description :- Twitter Integration. (51) Name :- CameraADev Description :- Custom Camera for picture as well as video capture from android developer. (52) Name :- DataBaseSQLiteCRUD Description :- Simple SQLite CRUD funtions for contact database. (53) Name :- DataBaseSQLiteDBUtility Description :- Simple SQLite DBUtility all files and basic operations. (54) Name :- CustomDropdownMenu Description :- Custom Dropdown/Poup Menu. (55) Name :- CalenderSimpleView Description :- Simple calender view as well as timestamp using calender class. (56) Name :- CalendarProviderADevIntent Description :- Calender provider Intent from android developer. (57) Name :- AnimationTextViewAnimateLayoutChanges Description :- Animation of adding view inside another view using animatelayoutchanges. (58) Name :- DragnDropLowVersion Description :- Drag n drop funtionality for low version. (59) Name :- GoogleWalletAdev Description :- Google Wallet Integration from android developer. (60) Name :- AndroidShootingGame Description :- Android Shooting Game without opengl. (61) Name :- ViewPagerAnimation Description :- ViewPager page transformation for pages like alpha,scaling,rotation. (62) Name :- GoogleCloudWirelessPrintingIntent Description :- Google cloud wireless printing integration from google developer. (63) Name :- Barcode_or_QRCode_Scanner_openurl Description :- Barcord/QR code scanner from google play and open result url in browser. (64) Name :- MSServerListSyncSample Description :- List Sync Sample using MS Server. (65) Name :- SlidingMenuAPI Description :- Sliding Menu jeremyfeinstein library like facebook,gmail,etc. (66) Name :- GCMIntegration Description :- Google cloud messageing integration for notification. (67) Name :- NoiseAlert Description :- Detect noise or blow sound. (68) Name :- GregorianCalendar Description :- Basic Gregorian Calendar information. (69) Name :- getVariableName Description :- Get name of the variable not its value. (70) Name :- GoogleAnalyticsV4Adev Description :- Google analytics integration V4. (71) Name :- FlipboardAnimationAdev Description :- Animation like Flipboard. (72) Name :- Html5Camera Description :- Camera in Html5 without phonegap. (73) Name :- CopyPasteClipboard Description :- Copy & Paste Clipboard textual data. (74) Name :- AndroidPhpMysql Description :- Php and Mysql data parsing in android. (75) Name :- SpellChecker Description :- Check spelling and give appropriate suggestion for enter text. (76) Name :- PdfReader Description :- Read pdf file.Barcode/QR code scanner. (77) Name :- BarcodeQRcodeIntegration Description :- Barcode/QR code scanner using ZbarScanner lib and also Zxing lib without intent. (78) Name :- InstagramIntegrationApi Description :- Instagram Integration using sample demo. (79) Name :- Logger Description :- Read logger/logcat using api. (80) Name :- SmsControl Description :- Control device via sms codes. (81) Name :- EncryptDecryptString Description :- Encrypt string and Decrypt the same string. (82) Name :- FloatingActionButton Description :- Floating Action Button. (83) Name :- DownloadAndUnzipFile Description :- Download And Unzip File. (84) Name :- MoPubAd Description :- MoPub Ad Banner integration . (85) Name :- ListViewParsingDB_AndroidStudio Description :- ListView Parsing in android studio. (86) Name :- CustomCamera_AS Description :- Custom Camera using surfaceview. (87) Name :- ResizeableBox_AS Description :- Resizeable Box like crop. (88) Name :- AudioRecorder_AS Description :- Audio Recorder. (89) Name :- DateAndTimePicker_AS Description :- Date And Time Picker. (90) Name :- CustomActionBar_AS Description :- Simple Custom ActionBar. (91) Name :- CustomSpinner_AS Description :- Custom Spinner with default text item. (92) Name :- SendEmail_AS Description :- Send email in background after authentication. (93) Name :- GoogleAnalytics_AS Description :- GoogleAnalytics integration demo for crash and screen. (94) Name :- BroadcastReciever_AS Description :- Broadcast Reciever for sms ,call and boot receiver. (95) Name :- Azure Description :- Azure storage gsi credentials zip dowload. (96) Name :- InAppPurchase_AS Description :- In App Purchase simple demo. (97) Name :- iOS_Listview Description :- Simple Listview in ios. (98) Name :- iOS_Database Description :- Sqlite Database in ios. (99) Name :- MessangerList_AS Description :- Messanger Listview UI send and recieve. (100) Name :- FindingFriend_AS Geofencing for enter and exit another pin.

Updated 26 Oct 2020

Tiny Service is a mobile service library to enable RMI technology on Android platform. User can easily define local and proxy objects by adding annotations on the class they want to add as service interface.

Updated 16 Jan 2019

A library of quickstart Google APIs for Android (Google place api, map api and location, Google place picker extension)

Updated 14 Jan 2020

There are quite open-source projects that convert java objects to JSON and GSON (aka Google GSON) is an open-source java library to serialize and deserialize java objects to JSON representation. So it can be used to convert JSON string to Java objects,using and open weather API from as our RESTful API Web service demo

Updated 17 Sep 2017

Retrofit is a REST Client💻 for Android and Java by Square. It makes it relatively easy to retrieve and upload 🚀JSON (or other structured data) via a REST based web-service 🌐. In Retrofit you configure which converter is used for the data serialization. Typically for JSON you use GSon, but you can add custom converters to process XML or other protocols. Retrofit uses the OkHttp library for HTTP requests.

Updated 09 Sep 2018

A sample code to show maps on your device using the latest v2 library (May 2013). Make sure you add Google play services to the above code and create a API key and add the same to the Manifest. Follow the instructions here.

Updated 15 Apr 2015

Sunshine application for Android devices is a weather forecast app which uses OpenWeatherMap API - - to synchronize forecast data. Allows users to see forecast for 2 weeks for specific location and more detailed information for chosen day, to change settings like units, preferred weather icon pack, location, and turn On/Off notifications, share weather information and open location on Google maps. Uses SQLite data storage and such libraries as: support-v4, appcompat-v7, glide, play-services-gcm. Covered functionality by Unit tests. Provides different layouts/styles for different device sizes and API versions. Added accessibility support (sound and LTR), localization for 2 languages.

MIT License
Updated 01 Aug 2020

A library to help with database setup; working with queries like insert, create, delete, drop, select; for using rest api consumtion; shared preferences; image zoom in and zoom out, applying font to the entire layout, checking if internet connection is available or not, setting an image view in square shape, circular shape, with initial letter or avatat, and replacing null in a string and replacing true or false with 1 or 0, switch button, custom toast message, datetime utils, location services, location address, validation of different types, set max length, set character counter, check if url is valid and much more. Check out the for more information and latest update. You can check out the website '' as well.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 14 Sep 2020

Multiple android apps in one folder where each app has its own functionality. The app covers basic android programming techniques and code to generate android animation, Bluetooth connectivity {which sends text file}. Bound Service, Gesture {Multiple Swipe – on Touch, on Tap, Left Right, up down}, IntentService , ListView, mapLearn, MAsterFlow, MemGenerator, OverFlow, Receive Broadcast, Send Broadcast, SimpleApp, Thread, VinitCube {implements openGL library to create cube} Enjoy coding

Updated 29 Nov 2019

This is a sample android application of ACRA library which captures and sends error report via email using mandrillapp free services. Key values and email needs to be changed otherwise its just plug and play. Visit link for full tutorial.

Updated 22 Nov 2019

A Sample App that uses Kotlin and Retrofit to fetch data from a web service and then parse the data using the Moshi android Library

Updated 04 Jun 2019

A react native library [For Android] that allows you to run a background service forever (even when the user terminates the app or restart the phone)

MIT License
Updated 03 Oct 2019

Android library for extracting and relating GPS information to and from the Google Play Services to a GPS processing (server-side) analytic tool

Updated 22 Sep 2020

MindValleyLoader is a simple demo application with a library to load images with users information from web service using JSON API and display them on Android device.

Updated 04 Sep 2018

Extremely simple library that wraps over Android's cumbersome bluetooth connection service. The main benefit is the ease by which it allows serialized Java objects to be transmitted.

Updated 22 Oct 2016

A demo of working with RESTFUL web services in android, starting with the basics and advancing to using libraries like Okhttp and Picasso

Updated 31 Jan 2020

Simple library project that you can use in your android projects for various application level utilties like logging, toast display, location and many more application services etc.

Updated 17 May 2018

Android event bus library for communication between activities, fragments, services, processes and for monitoring events like sms received, device shaken, call in, app opened and much more...

Apache License 2.0
Updated 30 Sep 2018

This is a mobile app version of WeatherAppAngular repository, which forecasts daily, hourly and weekly weather. The Android Weather app is built using Java, XML, Android SDK, Node.js, Twitter API, Bootstrap and Android Studio for Android app development. The backend [Node.js - that uses ip-api (for current location) and darksky net API (for any location)] is hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Google API is used to achieve Autocomplete functionality while entering the location you want to forecast the weather. This app also capable of storing favorite locations using Android local storage - Shared preferences. Third party libraries like Volley, Picasso have also been used.

Updated 23 Jun 2020

A major problem when you're working with beacons is the Android Oreo and Pie services limitation, thus to remedy these shortcomings, this projects uses AlarmManagers + Services + Broadcastes with AltBeacon library for beacon background detection without the weird fixed notification.

Updated 15 Aug 2019

Developed Android Application using AndroidX Library with Google Maps API. Implemented HandlerThreads for Live Location feedback on Map and used Material Design for UI displaying live data. Created Bluetooth Connection Service Activity for receiving and transmitting data from Can-ster Truck RC Car.

Updated 03 Oct 2020

Android Tutorial 1. Android Studio Tutorial 2. Android Studio Overview 3. Android Intent 4. Android Spinner 5. Android ListView 6. Android Fragment Lifecycle 7. Android Passing Data between Fragments 8. Android WebView 9. Android ActionBar 10. Android Custom ActionBar 11. Android Animation 12. Android Capture Image 13. Android Custom Fonts 14. Android Location API GPS Tracking 15. Android Location Google Play Services 16. Android Increase Gradle Build Speed 17. Android NavigationView 18. Android SearchView 19. Android GridLayoutManager 20. Android MVP 21. Android Picasso 22. Android Internal Storage 23. Android External Storage 24. Android Shared Preferences 25. Android SQLite 26. Android Notification 27. Android AlertDialog 28. Android GridView 29. Android Gallery View 30. Android ProgressDialog 31. Android AsyncTask 32. Android BroadcastReceiver 33. Android ListView Custom Adapter 34. Android ViewFlipper 35. Android ButterKnife 36. Android Non Scrollable ListView 37. Android JSONObject 38. Android XML Parser 39. Android Runtime Permissions 40. Android Data Binding 41. Android Data Binding Advanced 42. Retrofit Android 43. OkHttp Android 44. Android Login Registration App 45. Android Interview Questions 46. Android Multi Search 47. Android Layout LinearLayout 48. Android FrameLayout AbsoluteLayout 49. Android ScrollView TableLayout 50. Android Navigation Drawer 51. Android CollapsingToolbarLayout 52. Android ImageView 53. Android TextSwitcher ImageSwitcher 54. Android AutoCompleteTextView 55. Android ProgressBar 56. Android SeekBar RatingBar 57. Android Toggle Button, Switch 58. Android Countdown Timer 59. Android ExpandableListView 60. Android Date Time Picker 61. Android Radio Button 62. Android Floating Widget 63. Android Checkbox 64. Android CardView RecyclerView 65. Android RecyclerView with Dividers 66. Android ViewPager 67. Android Drag Drop 68. Android Floating Action Button 69. Android SnackBar 70. Android Swipe Refresh 71. Android Shared Element Transition Animation 72. Android ConstraintLayout 73. Android ConstraintLayout Example 74. Android TextInputLayout 75. Android Percent Layout 76. Android Google Maps 77. Android Google Maps Example Tutorial 78. Google Static Maps 79. Android Google Maps Current Location 80. Android Google Map Route Drawing 81. Google Places API Welcome to Retrofit Android Example Tutorial. Today we’ll use the Retrofit library developed by Square to handle REST API calls in our android application. Table of Contents [ hide ] 1 Retrofit Android 2 OkHttp Interceptors 3 Setting Up the Retrofit Interface 4 Retrofit Android Example Project Structure Retrofit Android Retrofit is type-safe REST client for Android and Java which aims to make it easier to consume RESTful web services.

Updated 07 Sep 2020

A simple Android app that displays jokes to the user. This project demonstrates my ability to create different flavors of an Android App (ex: paid and free versions) and including custom Java and Android libraries within an application. This also displays ads using Google's AdMob and interacts with an external (but locally run) API web service.

Updated 22 Jul 2018

A simple Android app that displays jokes to the user. This project demonstrates my ability to create different flavors of an Android App (ex: paid and free versions) and including custom Java and Android libraries within an application. This also displays ads using Google's AdMob and interacts with an external (but locally run) API web service.

Updated 20 Dec 2018

Android client that enables package browsing and extracts bundles from a RESTful web service. No third-party libraries are used in networking. Package paths are rendered via Google maps.

Updated 16 May 2019

This project is has been created using google services such as firebase and tensorflow lite. The pre-trained libraries have been employed to an android application to detect and recognise objects.

Updated 21 Oct 2018

This app will pull data from Uber and Lyft services to let you save some money. Not intended for release, but instead to provide an opportunity for me to use some of the latest Android libraries, methodologies and architectures.

Updated 30 Mar 2020

It is a integrated tool involves acceleo, Google Firebase, Amazon AWS services and a large number of android libraries and APIs to build an APK from a Goal Model written in Extended tgrl language.

Updated 24 Jul 2018

An app suggesting and directing the user to places of interest near his location. Developed for mobile and tablet on Android Studio. Some of technologies, tools and libraries in use: Fragments, SQLite, RecyclerView, Google Maps API, Services.

Updated 18 May 2017

Android Http Client is a small library to make requests to any internet service simple and practical way. You can implement multiple interfaces for the management of the responses. It also includes interfaces for managing upload and download of files.

Updated 24 Jan 2017

Short any URL right within your Android app. This lightweight library uses powerful ThrwAt services to short and manages URLs. Links can be password protected and shows variety of stats to keep track of each user visiting your link.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 14 Nov 2020

This Android application is developed as a part of Telstra Assignment to assess proficiency, coding-style, library-awareness and approach. This app displays a RecyclerView with all the list items populated from Json data received from a web service.

Updated 29 Sep 2016

Java library intended for a Java Client to collect a log file and request deletion from an Android Service over wifi. Heavily based on

Updated 13 Oct 2014

SkyHttp is an Android client-end web service library that aims for handling any HTTP requests. Currently WebService supports 4 standard types of RESTful actions - GET, POST, PUT, DELETE

Apache License 2.0
Updated 11 Jun 2020

Final project for Udacity course about Gradle. Tasks include creation of Java and Android libraries, use of Google Play Services and AdMob, and creation of distinct product flavors using Gradle.

Updated 02 Apr 2017

An android application for LIBRIS. LIBRIS is a national search service providing information on titles held by Swedish university and research libraries, as well as about twenty public libraries. Here you can find books, periodicals, articles, maps, posters, printed music, electronic resources, etc.

Updated 31 Aug 2013

In this Demo project I am using retrofit, kodein(kotlin dependency injection),Kotlin Coroutines, MVVM in kotlin, Room database, Glide library for image loading, Android Navigation Architecture, Groupie library for recyclerview, this app includes signin, signup, profile detial, get lists of items from web service and store in local database,

Updated 10 Dec 2019

This is an example for an android application in which we get to use the correct form of a camera runtime permisions fragment and its functionality and a standar register and login service using sql for the database not like in my other example that i have used firebase. The project its built outside android studio so you can use the libraries and project structure that you like using this activities cause if you want to change the project within android studio and adding a service it may be a mess if you had a big project going on

Updated 28 Mar 2020

Sign up and Log in Android app, with Microsoft Windows Azure backend. Added all classes and necessary libraries to sign up a user and save data in azure mobile service table and later , allow him to log in by comparing user entered data with server data. ( Don't forget to add Internet Permission in Manifest)

Updated 05 Nov 2015

This App will use Twilio for Sms Marketing Online Service with modern architecture of Android called MVVM and Most popular Library RxJava, Data Binding, Dagger, and Most recommended Database Room for storing Message History. This App will use static Json of Contacts kept in raw folder itself

Updated 19 Apr 2020

This project is for a Udacity course about Android development. In this project I implemented a movies app that downloads and presents movie lists from The app implements an SQLite DB, content provider, list adapter, sync service, JSON data parser, and uses Picasso image loading library.

Updated 18 Jan 2017

This is an Android application using Google AppEngine, Google Big Table and Mobilyzer library, for conducting network measurement experiments on mobile devices. This app will collect and leverage crowd-sourced data and allow users to validate the performance guarantees provided by various service providers like AT&T, T-Mobile.

Updated 08 Dec 2016

A complete guide to work on JSON parsing in android. I am using ion asynchronous network call library ( to fetch json from ipstack, ipstack offers one of the leading IP to geolocation APIs and global IP database services worldwide. Link is here

Updated 22 Feb 2020

An android application which uses RESTful web services, a 3rd part library Retrofit for fetching data in JSON format and its converted into java objects using GSON converter factory. The data fetched is displayed in Recycler View which uses a custom adapter display Text Views.

Updated 24 Dec 2018

Android app connect to a web service and retrieve JSON data from the web and connects to the Google Books API to make searches and retrieve book titles, covers and detailed information about your favorite books.Google data binding library and RecyclerView.

Updated 09 Jul 2020

SOA Code Factory, is a easy way to describe a service oriented architecture with a specific model that you can convert in native source code for Java, Android, Swift and include in your application to easily develop a service oriented architecture. You can use the Eclipse plugins to easy describe the model of you SOA system with a easy editor and generate your code. For Java and Android all the source code are generated in order to be packed in library that you can publish in a Maven repository so you can simply include in your project the dependency from the module that you need.

Apache License 2.0
Updated 23 Jan 2015


Pin That Place or for short PTP is an app that allows users to find nearby amenities in the radius of 1500 meters and store them as Favourites on the app. The application uses Google services such as the Google Maps API for Android and Google Places API Web Service. The combination of the two API’s produces a real-time nearby places service which can also use the Google Maps as an external app to get directions to the different locations using buttons from inside the app. While also getting places information from Google, the user has the option to mark places as Favourites using an on-the-phone database with Room Database Object Mapping library which makes its info only accessible to the app. The end result is a very user friendly and minimalistic Android application.

Updated 14 Nov 2019

Uses: Location Services, Internet, Google APIs, Images, Picasso Library, Implicit Intents, TextView Links Application Specification: - This application acquires and displays an interactive list of political officials that represent the current location (or any specified location) at each level of government. - Android location services are be used to determine the user’s location. - The Google Civic Information API is used to acquire the government official data (via REST service and JSON results). - Different layout for landscape orientation for 2 of the activities in this application. - Clicking on an official’s list entry opens a detailed view of that individual government representative. - Clicking on the photo of an official will display a Photo Activity, showing a larger version of the photo. - An “About” activity shows application information (Author, Copyright data & Version)

Updated 26 May 2017

This is the android app which i made for a Hyper Track coding challenge for android developer job. With this app you can search for movies which had been shot in san francisco and display those locations on google maps. This app fetches the data from open source api. This supports Autocomplete for movie name. The base activity returns the info about the movie and then the compass shape floating action button with display the locations as markers on google map activity. The app uses open source library gson for deserializing json response to java object. An API service for http connection using apache default http library.And also this app uses the google maps android api & google maps geocoding api to lookup for addresses. This app isn't production ready as due to limited time, some app crashes incase of exceptions aren't covered. Overall the architecture is explained in the doc

Updated 08 Jul 2020

Project Overview Project Overview Most of us can relate to kicking back on the couch and enjoying a movie with friends and family. In this project, you’ll build an app to allow users to discover the most popular movies playing. We will split the development of this app in two stages. First, let's talk about stage 1. In this stage you’ll build the core experience of your movies app. You app will: Present the user with a grid arrangement of movie posters upon launch. Allow your user to change sort order via a setting: The sort order can be by most popular or by highest-rated Allow the user to tap on a movie poster and transition to a details screen with additional information such as: original title movie poster image thumbnail A plot synopsis (called overview in the api) user rating (called vote_average in the api) release date Why this Project? To become an Android developer, you must know how to bring particular mobile experiences to life. Specifically, you need to know how to build clean and compelling user interfaces (UIs), fetch data from network services, and optimize the experience for various mobile devices. You will hone these fundamental skills in this project. By building this app, you will demonstrate your understanding of the foundational elements of programming for Android. Your app will communicate with the Internet and provide a responsive and delightful user experience. What Will I Learn After Stage 1? You will fetch data from the Internet with theMovieDB API. You will use adapters and custom list layouts to populate list views. You will incorporate libraries to simplify the amount of code you need to write Ready to start building?

Updated 10 Mar 2017

how to image

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